Thursday, February 19, 2009


Mahasiswa Indonesia yang belajar di BYUH turut berpartisipasi dalam acara PALESTINIAN AWARENESS FILM FESTIVAL, hari KAMIS (26 FEBRUARI) jam 7-9pm. Beberapa mahasiswa dan warga Indonesia di Hawaii akan turut menghadiri acara ini. 

*Clik image untuk melihat ukuran besar.

Pesan dari USINDO (The US-Indonesia Society)


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has positively responded to Indonesia's proposal for a US-Indonesia partnership by announcing February 13 that the US is "committed to working with Indonesia to pursue such a partnership with a concrete agenda." Following her February 18 meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda, Secretary Clinton further noted that the partnership would be "comprehensive" and may include such global and regional topics as environmental protection and climate change, trade and investment, democracy promotion, health, education, regional security, and counter-terrorism. Separately, the New York Times reported today that the Secretary stated that the U.S. will start the process of signing on to the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation. 

USINDO strongly supports this historic effort by both countries to find shared solutions to regional and global problems, which will also deepen the bonds between our two countries. USINDO is planning a conference in Washington in the Spring at which experts in the partnership areas will provide recommendations for the governments and citizens in both countries to consider. Details will be announced later. 

USINDO will disseminate documents and articles related to these developments. Please go to the USINDO website for documents available as of today, February 18. For a video, and more information on the meeting with the Foreign Minister, please click on the "Read More" link. For excerpts from Secretary Clinton's speech about her trip to Asia in New York, click the "PDF" link. Other documents are at the News section on right side of the Home Page. 

Deepening the bilateral relationship between our countries is a core mission for USINDO. We look forward to engaging USINDOs supporters in the effort to make the partnership effective. 

David Merrill 

The US-Indonesia Society

Pertemuan dengan Bapak Terance W. Bigalke, Ph.D

PERMIAS-Hawaii: Pengurus  PERMIAS Hawaii 08-09, Sulaiman Mappiasse dan Andi Ahmad Yani bersama Bpk. Teguh Santosa (fasilitator pertemuan) melakukan kunjungan silaturrahim dengan Bapak Terance W. Bigalke, Ph.D, Direktur Program Pendidikan East-West Center pada hari Rabu 18 Februari 09. PERMIAS diterima di ruang kerja beliau.

PERMIAS mengungkapkan harapan mereka untuk tetap menjalin komunikasi dengan East-West Center seperti yang selama ini telah berlangsung dengan baik. PERMIAS juga menyampaikan secara singkat rencana pelaksanaan Indonesia's Conference & Cultural Event 2009. Bapak Bigalke menyambut baik pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut. Beliau juga mengharapkan mahasiswa dan masyarakat Indonesia menjadikan hubungan Indonesia-Amerika sebagai salah satu fokus dialog intelektual dan budaya, khususnya dalam momen kepemimpinan Presiden Barak Obama.

'Bagoyang Poco-Poco' di International Concert on the Lawn, East-West Center

Dalam rangka memeriahkan hari Valentine 2009, East-West Center mengadakan malam International Concert on the Lawn. Mahasiswa Indonesia turut menyumbangkan Poco-Poco Dance dalam acara ini.

From International Concert-Valentine 2009
Lihat dalam Youtube: Poco-Poco OnePoco-Poco Two

Piknik Yuk di Magic Island

Masyarakat Indonesia bersama para Indonesianist beberapa hari lalu (Sabtu, 14 Feb 09) melakukan acara Piknik Yuk di bawah koordinasi Indonesian Club di Uni. of Hawaii, Manoa.


Kunjugan Bapak Muladi dan Rombongan Lemhanas

Permias-Hawaii: Pada tanggal 16 November 2008 lalu mahasiswa Indonesia di Hawaii melakukan temu ramah tamah dengan Bapak Muladi beserta rombongan Lemhanas. Acara ini sekaligus dirangkaikan dengan malam dangdut.

From Kunjungan Pak Muladi & Dangdut Night