Berikut ini adalah deskripsi presentase Prof. Dr. Barbara Andaya dalam acara ICCE2009 pada tanggal 24 April 2009 mendatang.
"The Medium and the Message: Art, Politics and Identity in Contemporary Indonesia: During the twentieth century the acceptance of “modern” art helped expand the space in which Indonesian artists could express their views visually and act as effective social and political commentators. From the 1950s heated debates arose concerning the degree to which art should operate as an agent for political views, and during the Suharto years the government moved quickly to eliminate any left-wing tendencies among artists. In the atmosphere of greater freedom that has characterized the last decade, the development of popular art forms like installations and graffiti have given rise to new questions about what constitutes “art”, and about the role of artists as critics of contemporary society. In contrasting the Orde Baru time with the post-Reformasi era, this presentation will illustrate some of the ways in which Indonesian artists have relayed their views about contemporary concerns to a range of different audiences."