Monday, March 16, 2009

Dr. Barbara Andaya dalam ICCE 2009 Mendatang

Berikut ini adalah deskripsi presentase Prof. Dr. Barbara Andaya dalam acara ICCE2009 pada tanggal 24 April 2009 mendatang.

"The Medium and the Message: Art, Politics and Identity in Contemporary Indonesia: During the twentieth century the acceptance of “modern” art helped expand the space in which Indonesian artists could express their views visually and act as effective social and political commentators. From the 1950s heated debates arose concerning the degree to which art should operate as an agent for political views, and during the Suharto years the government moved quickly to eliminate any left-wing tendencies among artists. In the atmosphere of greater freedom that has characterized the last decade, the development of popular art forms like installations and graffiti have given rise to new questions about what constitutes “art”, and about the role of artists as critics of contemporary society. In contrasting the Orde Baru time with the post-Reformasi era, this presentation will illustrate some of the ways in which Indonesian artists have relayed their views about contemporary concerns to a range of different audiences."

Dance Performance dan Cultural Booth dalam International Night 2009

Hari Jumat, 13 Maret 2009 PERMIAS Hawaii ikut berpartisipasi dalam International Night 2009, sebuah event tahunan mahasiswa international University of Hawaii.

Jajaran petinggi kampus dan beberapa konsuler jenderal negara-negara sahabat Amerika turut hadir.

Mahasiswa dan masyarakat Indonesia turut ambil andil dalam acara art performance yang diwakili oleh oleh Nezia [Malaysia-Indonesia] dan Desiree Seguritan [The Phillipines] dengan menampilkan sebuah tari Bali. 

Di sela-sela acara, mahasiswa Indonesia juga ikut menggelar Cultural Booth untuk memperkenalkan kekayaan budaya Indonesia.

Muslim Societies in Asia Program

Muslim Societies in Asia Program
Distinguished Speaker Forum
The Future of Islamic Education in Indonesia
Dr. Fadlil Munawwar Manshur
Gadjah Mada University
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Contrary to the image that we have in America, pesantrens or madrasahs (Islamic schools) in Indonesia are not breeding grounds for terrorists. They are multi-faceted centers of learning that strive to provide high-quality, well-rounded education for children of all ages. In addition to offering a comprehensive curriculum centered on Islam, both as a way of life and as a rigorous academic endeavor, these centers of learning are also cutting edge in their exploration of other subjects such as language, mathematics, and the natural sciences.  
We are pleased to announce that a leading expert on pesantren education, Dr. Fadlil Munawwar Manshur, Chief of the Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, is currently visiting the Manoa campus. He has kindly accepted our invitation to share his knowledge and experience in the dynamics of Islamic education and Arabic language learning in Indonesia at our Distinguished Speaker Forum. 

Please come join us for this rare opportunity to engage in a discussion with a leading educator from Muslim Southeast Asia! Snacks provided in collaboration with PERMIAS Hawai'i and the Indonesian Club.
Muslim Societies in Asia
The Muslim Societies in Asia Program, School of Pacific and Asian Studies (SPAS), University of Hawai'i is a newly launched initiative funded by the State of Hawai'i Legislature, that seeks to serve as a national resource center for academics and the general public seeking information on Muslim societies in Asia. 
Established in Washington D.C. on December 24th, 1961, the Indonesian Students Association in the United States of America (PERMIAS) is a non-profit and independent organization whose membership consists of all Indonesian students studying in the U.S. 

Indonesian Club
Indonesian Club at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa is a co-curricular club established in August 2007 open to students, staff, and faculty members interested in any and all aspects of Indonesia. 

Date:  Friday, March 6th, 2009
Time: 7.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m.
Venue: Tokioka Room, Moore 319